Thursday, May 13, 2021

Reflection from Day 2 DFI


Dorothy's presentation had many points that made me think about how I use digital learning to enhance my teaching practice.
In my classroom we regularly use a digital platform to Learn and Create but we don't often Share work digitally. I now understand the benefits of digitally sharing student's work as I appreciate that collaborative feedback is empowering for all students.

Having the opportunity to practice using Google Meet helped me to deepen my understanding and confidence with using this tool. Linking this practice to studying student's blog was great as I also saw how powerful feedback is for student's when they share their learning. Next week I will work with student's to update their class blogs in order to regularly share their leaning using this platform. This has also inspired me to find out more about buddy schools.

Here's a video of me practicing with the Record option in Google Meet:
I enjoyed learning about Google Keep and have now downloaded it onto my phone and pc. I will definitely use this in both my personal and professional life. I particularly like the image to text option for using in the classroom.


  1. Kia ora Andrea. I think you picking up on how important sharing is doing the 'learn' presentation shows how connected all three parts of learn, create, share are. Well done for persisting through the interruptions in your Meet practice. It's interesting how your recording didn't pick up the sound of the other Meet going on! You'll love Tuhi Mai Tuhi Atu as a way of connecting and sharing with other classes around the country.

  2. I also have the keep app. Did you know you can share keeps.. Emily and I share one for items she wants me to take over next trip..
