Thursday, March 6, 2025

Day 2 MPI - Know your learners as Mathematicians


Manaiakalani's long-term data shows that students who stay in the program for at least three years do better compared to students who don't. We can make an impact when we stick to the program and give it enough time.

Using the item reports will help me focus on students' misconceptions, what next steps could be taken and what resources I can use. A great tool that will help with my planning and feedback for both maths and reading!

I like the idea of using this report for parent/teacher conferences. At the moment, I discuss where they are learning within the curriculum levels, but this will show more of an overview.

I like the idea of using this tool regularly in my classroom. It’s something that I have not done as a whole class before, but I feel that it would greatly benefit all of my students. As the video demonstrates, I will draw the visual arrangements that the students describe (as shapes or groups of dots).

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